As a Catholic School operating within, and supported by a parish community, the Assumption seeks to provide primarily for the children of parents who are members of that parish community. This primary responsibility however does not exclude from enrolling in the school the children of Catholic or non-Catholic parents who are not members of the parish community. Parents seeking to enrol children apply to the Principal, who examines each case and notifies the parents of the decision made. Since all students must participate in the whole school program, all parents should be aware of the school’s objectives and be willing for their children to participate in its program.
Since the school’s accommodation limits the enrolment to two classes per grade it can be necessary to deny enrolment to some applicants. Students are not accepted on a “first in” basis but at the discretion of the Principal and generally according to the following priority order:
1. Brothers and sisters of students already attending the school.
2. Catholic children whose brothers or sisters are ex-students of Assumption.
3. Catholic children of staff members.
4. Children baptised Catholic and whose parents are involved in the Cathedral Parish.
5. Catholic children who are transferring from a Catholic School to Assumption who have met all commitments at that school.
6. Non-Catholic brothers and sisters of ex-students.
7. Non-Catholic children with a Catholic parent or guardian.
8. Non-Catholic children whose parents wish them to have a Christian education and are happy for them to participate in all activities (including daily Religious Education lessons and prayer, Masses and other celebrations).
A copy of the school enrolment form can be downloaded by clicking here.